Annual Flying Star 7 Effects

In flying stars feng shui, the period natal chart of a house governs the luck of the house and it’s residents for in 20 year cycles.

This means that the natal chart of a house would be influenced in one way for 20 years, then change to another way for the next 20 years, and so on.

There are also annual flying stars that determine the luck for a specific year, then change for the following year, and so on.

This implies that natal charts have a long term effect on the feng shui of a property, while annual stars have a shorter term effect.

While there are various ways annual stars can interact with existing energy dynamics of a space, the biggest impact it can make is generally agreed to be it’s interaction with trigram numbers (associated with kua numbers).

This can refer to both the kua number of the house, or the trigram numbers that reside in a particular space of a house based on it’s number configuration when the luo shu sequence is applied after identifying the kua number of the house.

This does not mean that the annual star has an immaterial effect when meeting the mountain star or water star.

It just means that feng shui practitioners generally focus on the trigrams first when analyzing the impact of annual stars, and then move on to other aspects if necessary.

Here are the implications of the arrival of annual flying star seven meeting the different trigrams.

It must be noted that the implications can often seem similar to effects cause by the meeting (or star combination) of mountain and water stars. Even so, be mindful that the interaction and effect caused by mountain and water stars are govern by different dynamics.

Kan kua 1 (1-7)

Intense competition ahead. Great financial rewards should one overcome them.

There is a tendency for one to be seduce.

This might be enjoyable for those who are single. But those who are attached would be tempted to stray.

Seduction can also come in the form of scammers.

Travel opportunities abound.

Kun kua 2 (2-7)

Progressive luck with personal finances.

Easy success can lead one to be complacent and suffer losses in the end.

Couples trying to conceive might not enjoy much luck. Relationship might also be balancing on the rocks.

Chen kua 3 (3-7)

Financial troubles ahead.

Misfortune could come in an aggressive and violent manner.

On the health front, there is a very high possibility of serious injury. Especially caused by someone else.

Beware of betrayal from people close to you.

Sun kua 4 (4-7)

Romance luck is in the air. However, choose wisely as many will bring nothing but trouble and heartbreak.

Conflicts between women are likely to occur.

While health problems associated with the lower body can arise.

Kua 5 (5-7)

Quarrels aplenty between people.

Be wary of oral infections and injury.

Can bring wealth luck with good feng shui.

Chien kua 6 (6-7)

Competition for money will be widespread.

Fights can break out due to the meeting of metal elements.

This can also mean encounters with armed criminals.

Tui kua 7 (7-7)

One would emerge victorious in competition at work and social circles.

This can bring huge financial benefits when the conditions are right.

There’s also an extreme presence of romance, making one over indulging on pleasure instead of other things that matter.

Potential of being victimized by theft and robbery.

Ken kua 8 (8-7)

Very similar to 7-7.

The main difference being that good luck or bad luck can come from indirect sources.

Li kua 9 (9-7)

Be careful of being seduced and manipulated!

Health problems related to the heart.

Potential fire hazard.

Annual flying star 7 in coming years

Year Direction
2018 East
2019 Southeast
2020 Center
2021 Northwest
2022 West
2023 Northeast
2024 South
2025 North
2026 Southwest
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