If you have read various books authored by different feng shui masters regarding the topic of flying stars feng shui, you would have undoubtedly come across some of those WTF moments when what one writer’s interpretation of a certain star combination contradicts the assessment of another.
The reason why this is so is because with the exception of clear-cut implications of certain star combinations, some star combinations can be interpreted differently by different feng shui masters.
The logic behind this is that classical feng shui text were written in the Chinese language. And this is a language where one single word can often have a very wide breadth in terms of meanings and implications.
This is especially when the language is written in traditional Chinese and written in a poetic manner. This is briefly discussed in the review of feng shui books.
The depth of symbols and language is a big reason why the I-Ching (易經) which contains a limited amount of hexagram symbols and text is said to have the answers to every question in the universe.
The complexity of traditional language is also why every English publication of I-Ching books consist of the authors’ interpretation of the original writings produced in Chinese language. They are not direct translations of what the book of changes is supposed to mean. Which is why one needs to be proficient in Chinese to even have a chance of really comprehending the profound knowledge found in classical texts.
Again. The exception is when the the meanings behind the words are as clear as day.
This brings us to the interpretation of flying star combinations.
While there are various books published in the English language that attempts to decipher the implications of star combinations, readers must note that these are mostly assessment and interpretations made by the authors. And this is skewed by how they approach feng shui.
Analysis of flying star combinations and their implications has to account for several factors to paint a better picture of the predictions behind them.
When trying to make sense out of the meanings behind flying star combinations, one has to consider the following factors.
1) Nature of star
First and foremost, the nature of the star needs to be taken into consideration.
This can be a simple exercise as even though there are 81 possible star combinations, there are only 9 individual stars.
These 9 stars are generally agreed (but not limited) to be associated with the following.
- White 1 – Career
- Black 2 – Sickness
- Green 3 – Conflict
- Green 4 – Academic and relationships
- Yellow 5 – Misfortune
- White 6 – Authority
- Red 7 – Aggression
- White 8 – Wealth
- Purple 9 – Fame
With this in mind, it can generally be said that if the wealth star 8 flies into your home office this year, you can look forward to good fortune with regards to money and wealth. And if it enters your bedroom, you’d either just be dreaming of money or making money while you sleep.
But it is not always the case as there are many other factors to consider.
2) Elemental relationship
When taking a careful look into star combinations, it should go without saying that a feng shui practitioner should instinctively identify the elemental relationship between them.
This goes back to the very basics of feng shui and the 5 elements.
For example, when star 8 meets star 9, the earth energy of star 8 would be supercharged by the fire energy of star 9.
This makes it even more powerful in it’s association with wealth.
In certain circumstances, the implications can result in a clearer interpretation when the host star and visiting guest star can be determined.
3) Form factor
If a favorable star is present in the living room, it can bring good luck for residents… only if it is active and not under excessive pressure from sha chi.
A lot of people assume that they would have good luck when star 1 enters their bedroom or would suffer from bad luck when the star 2 enters.
While these are general interpretations that are correct, such analysis also leave a lot to be desired for those with feng shui OCD.
For instance, water stars and mountain stars might be observed to be present in certain areas of a house. But whether they are active or dormant depends on form factors.
If a wealth star 8 is present in a bright hall area in front of a house as a water star, feng-shui-inclined residents might feel that they would be banking in the cash sooner or later. But the presence of a mountain can deactivate it. So any star combinations that enhances it would be unfruitful.
Internal and external form factors are some of the most neglected feng shui aspects when practiced by newbies.
4) Timeliness of stars
Whether a star is timely depends on the period in question.
During the period of 8 for example, the white 8 star is the most auspicious. Even though it is a star that bring positive energy by default, it’s strength would wane once we move into the period of 9.
The implication of this is that even if a generally inauspicious star like 5 yellow is usually frowned upon, it would be the star that brings the most prosperity during the period of 5.
Currently in 2020, the best stars are the white 8 and purple 9.
5) Hexagram
Many learners of feng shui don’t realize this. But star combination can also represent trigrams that combine to become hexagrams.
This gives them a direct link to the I-Ching.
For this reason, star combinations can be a way to predict the outcome of endeavors or decisions made by residents who are influenced by them.
For example, if an individual has been pondering about starting a business moves into a new house, the star combinations of his room might be able to guide him in making that decision.
Now what?
Keep in mind that the discussion here is about star combinations. So we have not even brought in the dynamism of bazi into the picture.
It must also be said that in more advanced feng shui practice (which can often be unnecessary), experts can also account for the kua numbers of individuals to see how they interact with star combinations.
Factoring bazi and/or kua numbers are more individual based instead of sector based and brings the level of complexity up a couple of notches.
So if you are not well-versed in these subjects, it is best to stick to just the 5 factors stated above when running interpretations to make sense of flying star combinations.
They really are sufficient for basic DIY-style feng shui.