The Monthly Virtue Star Brings The Luck Of Escapes

Some people just have luck of lucky escapes.

They avoid parking tickets with a close call, escape the midnight shift when the planning manager is contemplating who to put into this schedule, or even have their mistakes at work tagged to an unlucky colleague who just happens to be at the wrong place at the wrong time.

Those who have a tendency to enjoy such luck throughout their lifetimes tend to have a monthly virtue star (月德) in their bazi.

This is a symbolic star that is related to the heavenly virtue star and should be read in tandem with it.

Sometimes also known as the star of kindness, those who have this star present in bazi tend to marry well. A big reason for this is that kindness can be a huge attribute to their character.

And of course… they also escape the biggest mistake one can make in life… which is to marry wrong.

Identifying the monthly virtue star

To find which character represents the monthly virtue, reference has to be taken from the earthly branch on the month pillar.

Month Branch
Monthly Virtue
E1 H9
E2 H7
E3 H3
E4 H1
E5 H9
E6 H7
E7 H3
E8 H1
E9 H9
E10 H7
E11 H3
E12 H1

Legend of symbols can be found here.

For example, if you have E11 on your month pillar, then H1 would represent the monthly virtue star. And you would enjoy it’s positive effects in life aspects when it is present in your 4 pillars.

Something interesting to note is that 4 reference characters have the same character that represents both the monthly virtue and heavenly virtue.

This can be observed below.

Month Branch
Heavenly Virtue & Monthly Virtue
E2 H7
E5 H9
E8 H1
E11 H3

So when it is present in the bazi, one has to judge whether that character represents one or the other.

Only when the character appears twice, can it be determined that an individual has both the monthly and heavenly virtue stars. Even so, one has to determine which represents which in advanced bazi readings.

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