子/午 | 申/寅 | 辰/戌 | |
甲子乙丑 海中金 Sea metal |
壬申癸酉 劍鋒金 Sword metal |
庚辰辛巳 白蠟金 White wax metal |
Metal |
戊子己丑 霹靂火 Thunder fire |
丙申丁酉 山下火 Foothill fire |
甲辰乙巳 覆燈火 Lantern fire |
Fire |
壬子癸丑 桑柘木 Mulberry wood |
庚申辛酉 石榴木 Pomegranate wood |
戊辰己巳 大林木 Forest wood |
Wood |
丙子丁丑 澗下水 Stream water |
甲申乙酉 井泉水 Well water |
壬辰癸巳 長流水 Flowing water |
Water |
庚子辛丑 壁上土 Wall earth |
戊申己酉 大驛土 Moving earth |
丙辰丁巳 砂中土 Sand earth |
Earth |
甲午乙未 砂中金 Sand metal |
壬寅癸卯 金泊金 Foil metal |
庚戌辛亥 釵釧金 Jewelry metal |
Metal |
戊午己未 天上火 Fire in the sky |
丙寅丁卯 爐中火 Furnace fire |
甲戌乙亥 山頭火 Hilltop fire |
Fire |
壬午癸未 楊柳木 Willow wood |
庚寅辛卯 松柏木 Pine wood |
戊戌己亥 平地木 Flatland wood |
Wood |
丙午丁未 天河水 Heaven river water |
甲寅乙卯 大溪水 Large stream water |
壬戌癸亥 大海水 Ocean water |
Water |
庚午辛未 路旁土 Road earth |
戊寅己卯 城頭土 City earth |
丙戌丁亥 屋上土 Rooftop earth |
Earth |
Na Yin elements presented in jiazi table is found here
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