Why The Owl Divides Opinion In Feng Shui

The owl is a creature that has very diverse symbolism across different cultures due to it’s nocturnal nature.

For example, in ancient India and Egypt, it is a bird that is associated with the dead. The Romans see it as a messenger of bad news. The Mayans featured them in murals. And the Greeks see it as a symbol that represents wisdom.

That’s just listing a few…

For the Chinese, owls can carry both positive or negative vibes. This depends on the appearance and behavior or the owl, or how it is depicted in paintings and artwork.

Owls in Chinese culture

The owl is often known as the opposite of the phoenix.

This can imply that it is the opposite of fortune and happiness.

However, the phoenix also has a dual identity depending on how it is depicted!

For example, it is a powerful symbol of yang energy. But when pictured with a dragon, it takes on a yin nature.

So owls can also imply the opposite of moody and eccentric.

Because young chicks used the bright eyes of the mother as reference to pick out their flight paths, owls are culturally associated with a lack of filial piety.

Yet with all the questionable reputation, owl sculptures and statues are often erected to protect building premises from destructive forces.

Owls in feng shui

In feng shui, the symbolism of owls is somewhat similar to that of the Greeks.

The majestic animal is a guardian of wisdom and knowledge.

When paintings of owls are placed at home, it represents the wisdom of the inhabitants and the mentor luck that the residents might enjoy.

As such, owl placement is best in the northwest sector of the house as this is where the Qian trigram is. The study room or library can also be appropriate under most circumstances.

It should be placed in common areas and with open spaces in front of it. This is a huge bird we are talking about. It needs space to spread it’s wings.

However, as explained earlier, how the owl is depicted makes all the difference.

If one is unsure of whether an owl would bring good or bad luck, then the logical thing to do is to avoid it altogether.

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