9 Types Of Mountains In The Practice Of Feng Shui

In the practice of feng shui, we often hear about masters talk about the presence of water and mountains in the external environment.

This is especially a predominant topic in the theories of San Yuan feng shui which is where flying stars feng shui branched out from.

For example, when there is a mountain star 8 at the south sector of a house, a mountain situated at the southward direction of the house is said to activate the favorable mountain star and bring good health and harmony into the household.

However if we want to get into more specific with the type of energy a particular mountain would bring to a property, then it is possible to refer to the 9 types of mountains in feng shui that can be identified by it’s shape and form, from the point of observation.

Before we go on, it is important to note that these types of mountains are referred to in mandarin as mountain dragons or mountain stars, which are in a different context from the mountain stars we find on a home’s natal chart. This is why some practitioners continue to strongly advocate that we refer to the mountain stars and water stars found in natal charts as the sitting stars and facing stars to avoid confusion.

So take note that from this point on in this discussion, mountain star is a term that is referring to the mountain itself. This applies only to this article on this website.

So what are the 9 different types of mountain stars?

The shapes and forms of these mountains are depicted in pictorial form in ancient writings and are illustrated below.

They carry their own meanings, representations, symbolism and connotations. And the name and characteristics of these mountains actually follow those of the 9 stars in flying stars feng shui.

1) Greedy wolf star

The greedy wolf star is known as tan lang xing (贪狼星) and associated with the 1 white star.

It has an elongated form, or triangular with the tip on top.

It is related to wisdom, spirituality, innovation, benefactors, recognition, etc.

2) Big door star

The big door star is called ju men xing (巨门星) and linked to the 2 black star.

It can be identified with mountains with flat table top forms.

This is a mountain star that is strongly linked to wealth generation and sustainability.

3) Resource star

The resource star is labelled as lu cun xing (绿存星) in Chinese and associated with the 3 jade.

It’s unique feature is vertical bulging features close to the bottom of the mountain.

This type of mountains are related to athleticism, physical abilities, competitiveness, indirect income, etc.

4) Academic star

The academic star is known as the wen qu xing (文曲星) and lined to the green star 4.

The way to identify this mountain star is wavy and irregular mountain tops. While this shape and form relates to water, it should not be mistaken as a water star.

They are most suitable for those who are after academic pursuits, research activities, artists, musicians, etc.

5) Chastity star

While this is a mountain that is linked to the 5 yellow, it is known as the chastity star or lian zheng xing (廉贞星) when it comes to landform feng shui.

The distinctive characteristics of this type of mountain is that they have tips at peaks that resemble that of a flickering candle flame. As such, they are also commonly known as fire stars.

This is a very auspicious star that denotes greatness and are rarely found in huge residential areas.

It’s even said that if you come across one by chance when trekking or hiking, it is a good omen of great thing to come.

6) Military star

The military star is called wu qu xing (武曲星) in mandarin.

They can be identified with resembling semi-circle shapes.

This is a star of professionals and specialized skills.

7) Counter military star

The counter military star is named as po jun xing (破军星) in mandarin. It is also known in various circles as the broken soldier star.

The method to determine this type of mountain is that it is similar to the resource star, except that they have longer vertical veins. Often all the way to the top of the mountain.

As the name suggest, it is associated very much with unconventional victory over establishments, and even empires.

8) Left auxiliary star

The left auxiliary star, also commonly referred to as the left assistant star, is linked to the 8 white star and known as zuo fu xing (左辅星).

It basically has the unique characteristic of having one side distinctively protruding upwards. Thereby, standing out in it’s form.

These types of mountain stars represent hard work, hands-on approach, fending for oneself, making your own living, etc.

It is important to take note that some feng shui practitioners in certain circles deem that the left assistant mountain star is somewhat similar to the big door star, but less majestic and less grand. Sort of like a little brother or a miniature version of it.

I don’t know where these ideas come from as I cannot remember seeing them in classical text. So if you know where this form is mentioned for this type of mountain, I’d appreciate it if you refer me to the source in ancient text.

9) Right assistant star

The right assistant mountain is called you bi xing (右弼星).

In some books, it has a form that is a horizontally inverted version of the left auxiliary star.

However, there are also references that it’s unique identifiable feature is that it’s a much flatter version of the military star. Round on top, and with a less steeper slopes.

They denote stability, support, rules, resources, etc.

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