Floor Elements Suitable
For Gua
1 Water 1, 4
2 Fire 2, 8, 9
3 Wood 1, 4, 9
4 Metal 1, 6, 7
5 Earth 6, 7, 2, 8
6 Water 1, 4
7 Fire 2, 8, 9
8 Wood 1, 4, 9
9 Metal 1, 6, 7
10 Earth 6, 7, 2, 8
11 Water 1, 4
12 Fire 2, 8, 9
13 Wood 1, 4, 9
14 Metal 1, 6, 7
15 Earth 6, 7, 2, 8
16 Water 1, 4
17 Fire 2, 8, 9
18 Wood 1, 4, 9
19 Metal 1, 6, 7
20 Earth 6, 7, 2, 8
21 Water 1, 4
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