What Is Follow The Leader Structure In Bazi

While there is a structured way of assessing and reading bazi, there are many exceptions that make the “regular” methods of analysis redundant.

One such concept is the follow the leader structure (從格).

Under normal circumstances, the overwhelming majority of bazi will seek balance depending on the strength of the self element. For instance, a weak self element of ji earth will want to find the favorable elements of earth and fire. The follow the leader structure in bazi is one that will not seek balance. it will go with the flow of Qi.

In this case, the self element, or daymaster, is so weak in the bazi, that it has no choice but to follow the strongest element in the bazi that has a dominating presence.

There are a few different types of follow the leader structures in bazi. Here’s the 3 most talked about ones. And they all have the same criteria of having little to no support to the self element.

  • Follow the authority (從官)
  • Follow the wealth (從财)
  • Follow the son (從兒)

Which category it ends up in will then depend on which is the dominating element.

A follow the authority bazi structure is formed when the self element is only surrounded by the element that controls it and the element that it controls. The number of control element should be more than the number of controlled element. And there must be an absence of supporting elements.

For instance when the self element is jia wood, and all other heavenly stems and earthly branches are metal and earth.

Hour Day Month Year
Earth Jia Wood Metal Earth
Metal Metal Metal Earth

Note that there are more metal (control) than earth (controlled). And wood and water (supporting elements) are absent.

Metal is already very strong on it’s own in this type of bazi. The earth element further strengthens it into an overwhelming position of dominance.

Because the dominating element in this case is metal, which in relation to the self element represents authority, this becomes a follow the authority structure in bazi. Sometimes also called the follow the officer structure.

A follow the wealth bazi structure is formed when the self element is only surrounded by the element that it controls and the element that exhaust it. The number of controlled element should be more than the number of exhaust element. Supporting elements must be absent.

For example when the self element is geng metal, and all other characters around it are wood and water.

Hour Day Month Year
Water Geng Metal Wood Wood
Wood Wood Wood Water

Note that there are more wood (controlled) than water (exhaust). And wood and water (supporting elements) are absent.

The strong wood is further aided by water in this case.

As the dominating element is wood, which represents wealth to a metal self element, this becomes a follow the wealth structure in bazi.

The follow the son structure is erected when the self element is totally surrounded by the element that exhaust it and the element that it controls. The number of exhaust element should be more than the number of controlled element. The criteria of absent supporting elements must be adhered to.

For example, a bing fire self element, fully surrounded by earth and metal.

Hour Day Month Year
Earth Bing Fire Metal Metal
Earth Metal Earth Earth

Note that there are more earth (exhaust) than metal (controlled). For this structure, unlike the first two, it can still be valid when there is support for the self element.

For any of the follower the leader charts, it becomes invalid theoretically when there is a presence of element that weakens the dominating element. But sometimes, some bazi readers will still classify them as this structure when elements that weaken the dominating element is present. Just that the strength of the dominating element will be slightly weaker. Such as instead of 100%, it goes to maybe 80%.

So how you assess it really depends on how you view this subject.

Follow the leaders are special bazi charts that indicate that the person has immense potential to make it big. Now when we say make it big, it can mean a multitude of things, like becoming great world leaders, making a difference in the world, accomplishing astronomical feats, etc.

And I stress the word potential. One still has to take action even if success is written in the destiny.

When any of the follow the leader configurations are formed, then the individual will find that his or her progress in life will face the least resistance when getting involved in the activities related to the dominating element. Especially when participating in groups related to those activities.

For instance in a follow the authority structure, joining business associations might be a good idea for business people.

It must be said that these are special bazi charts. And there are bazi experts who will not recognize them as special charts and read them like how they will with a regular bazi. Remember that whether or not to give them special treatment when assessing these bazi depends on how you approach bazi reading.

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