5 Best Lucky Plants For The Office

Other than the bedroom where we spend about 8 hours a day in, the office is usually the second place we spend the most time of the day in.

Many workaholics even spend more time at the workplace than at home.

Consider that the bulk of the time spent in the bedroom is done when we are sleeping, the office is potentially the single place where we spend the most of our active time in… at least during the weekdays.

So it’s not exaggeration to say that office feng shui can play a pivotal role in how our personal feng shui turns out.

While the layout of the office premises, placement and positioning of furniture carries the burden of feng shui, decorative items can often have a significant impact on the invisible forces that induce good and bad luck.

For example, the rooster has a revered symbolic reputation at the office for protection against malicious gossips and politicking.

Plants can also play a very useful role at the work space.

They can act as a barrier against sha chi, enhance good luck, and also spruce up the aesthetics by bringing in a touch of nature.

It must be noted that lucky plants for the home does not necessarily mean that they are lucky plants for the office as well. Some of them are only appropriate for certain spaces and circumstances.

For instance, plants for the front door are usually able to draw from natural sunlight. The choices are therefore much wider than plants meant for indoor display and decorations.

In addition to that, some plants are appropriate for the house as certain areas allow natural sunlight to enter. In an indoor, and possibly enclosed space like the office, many plants would struggle to survive. Let alone bring good luck to employees.

Here are 5 of the best good luck plants for the office.

1) Jade plant

The crassula plant, more often known as the jade plant, is one of the most popular green shrubs of those who practice feng shui.


Other than it’s luscious beauty, it also has a host of positive and auspicious attributes with little to no negative traits.

Their succulent leaves represents voluptuous and strong money luck. Their color and texture mimics the appearance of premium grade jadeite. And they are as resilient as anything under enclosed environments.

While jade plants can be nurtured to a considerable size, they can also be grown in a small manageable size. Perfect for the office desk and workstations with countertop space to spare.

Placement in your personal wealth location can just give your career progression a boost!

2) Lucky bamboo

Even though the lucky bamboo plant is famed for bringing good luck to owners who care for it, practitioners in the know would be aware that it’s positive connotations are even stronger in terms of turning around bad luck into good luck.

However, whichever way you spin it would be good for business luck when found in the office area.

It does not directly relate to wealth luck, but good luck in general would benefit every stakeholder of a company.

Colleagues and staff would enjoy better luck in term of their tasks, which in turn favors the business and owner. Just be careful not to overdo it and let the office get overwhelmed by too many of these potted plants.

3) Pachira aquatica

The pachira aquatica is more commonly known as the money plant.

As the name suggest, they are know to attract money and wealth luck. Features that a company would be interested in. Your boss would surely approve of your big-picture intentions.

While there are many species of plants that have earned that title, pachira aquatica is often regarded as the true original money plant.

It’s unique spiraling feature makes it easily identifiable, and can grow to a considerable size. Making it perfect for common areas like the pantry or rest rooms.

Big sized money plants can also be placed in corners to hide the appearance of sharp angles that create sha chi.

4) Lime tree

Limes trees are very auspicious plants to the Chinese. This can be observed by it being one of the most popular gifts given to hosts and guests during the festivities of Chinese New Year.

The main reason why they are such loved plants is that the fruits these plants produce are seen as a miniature version of mandarin oranges.

And since you can’t really plant an orange tree in the meeting room or bring it around in a trolley in between cubicles, the lime tree is a like a smaller version of the highly auspicious orange tree.

They are small in size that can fit nicely on the work desk. Can resemble the cultured appearance of bonsai, and can even give off a nice citrous aroma that isn’t overbearing.

It’s not coincidence that they can also often be found placed beside or near cashiers of retail shops.

5) Orchids

If you want to bring some flowers into the workspace to encourage a more cheerful environment, then the safest flowering plant to bring into the office is the orchid.

They are easy to manage and look beautiful as a single stalk or in a bouquet bunch.

Just putting them into a clear vase of water on the meeting table can create an alluring look that changes the whole dynamics of a space.

Other flowers such as chrysanthemum and peonies can also bring positive energy into the space, but their tendency to lose their petal can be a chore to clean up. And while lotus flowers promote peace and harmony at the office, they are only suitable when there is a pond to put them in.

So really. With everything being considered, orchids are the best flowering plants to have in the office.

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